Verse Of The Day

  Psalm 118:17  I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done. if You Like My Faith Content You Can Support My Work  And I Will Send You Bible Verse and Spiritual Motivation every Day 💜🌷✝️ PayPal Me 🙏😍⤵️✝️❤⤵️ PayPal Me or Buy me a Coffee 🙏😍⤵️✝️❤⤵️ Thank You for Support 🙏💜✝️

Are your prayers spiritually immature?

 How to pray like a true believer

Ever prayed for something so bad but instead of it happening, you actually got the opposite result?

I did.

And it made me feel so alone and abandoned.
No peace.

No comfort.

Just that sinking feeling that God had forsaken me.

And for a time, it led me to believe that praying doesn’t work — at least, not in the way that I believed it to be.

But as it turns out, I was simply [not doing it right.]

My prayers were a just mish mash of nice words strung up to sound holy which in reality sounds more like a buffet of vague requests that’s obviously spiritually immature.

Which is why I’d like to give you this…

Inside you’ll find seven specific and genuine prayers for seven specific issues to help you pray like a true believer would — not like a kid who think of God like a cosmic Santa Claus for the righteous.

Don’t make the same mistakes I did.


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